Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Went to the Euro Fun Fair (located beside the Bishan bus interchange) with Dear today.

Guess it was damn long since I visited an amusement park. Think I'm quite a noob in trying thrill rides, so it was quite an experience for me to try out some of the rides they had.

Yes, yes..I'm such a noob.

In the end, we tried out 2 rides - the Euro Wheel & the Top-Gun.

The Euro Wheel was your usual Ferris Wheel, albeit the fact that the scenary of Bishan isn't picturesque. The ride consisted of several oscillations - how many, I don't know. The ride started to feel more like a chore when we were in our 4th or 5th round. Talk about novelty wearing off man.

Next up was the Top-Gun. Looking at it, I thought the ride was sort of a modified Viking. But when it came to the level of thrill, this totally beats the Viking. I wasn't expecting much from the ride at first. But when the ride started, we realised that how loosely we were strapped to the seat. We felt as if the safety barriers were coming off when we were swung vertically and upside down. It felt like we were hapless clothes being churned around in a washing machine. Dear was practically sliding out from her seat, and it forced her to stem her feet on the floor of the carriage. Think it was really pretty traumatic with all the safety barriers seeming to be give way and we were holding onto anything within our grasps.

Sorry for the unpleasant experience you had to go through, dear.

Some pics to share...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Imminent Change

Looks like I left this space to rot for a while. Looking back at the 9-day hiatus, so many things have happened and I was in need for some opportunity to catch my breath.

Finally, I can breathe...

Looks like its getting clearer after each passing day that I'm going be shifting to Seng Kang within this year. Somehow, I'm actually looking forward to it although it means no more swimming and tennis as and when I like it. Come and think of it, I spent a large proportion of my life in Upper Thomson..and I'm sure that I'll feel really shitty when the time comes for me to leave the area. But well, I am looking forward to the change in environment.

I sound really contradicting...

Celebrated my Ye-ye's 85th birthday last Sunday. Definitely grander than the celebrations in previous years. Although I was really ecstatic to see him so happy..I just cannot ignore the significance and the associated melancholy.

On a lighter note, the restaurant we held the celebrations at was the ultra-retro Jade Room Restaurant @ Hotel Royale. It felt like I stepped into the 70s when I reached the venue.

The food served was really quite awesome, especially the Sharks' Fin soup. Although it was in its usual format, the broth was really thick and flavourful and the shreds of fin abundant.

Just a few snapshots of the dishes we had at the restaurant. Although I didn't eat alot at the 8-course lunch, but all of us felt really extremely bloated, even when we had longevity noodles and dessert left to go.

The guys and I bought a miniature Mahjong set for Ye-ye. Felt pretty satisfied when his face lit up to see our gift to him. Not forgetting the awesome cake the girls, Gerald & Daniel got for him as well. Think the entire event was really tremendous, and even my super distant relatives (whom I've never seen before in my life) were present at the celebration, which never happened for previous birthday celebrations for my grand dad (or so I think I've never experienced it before).
and yes...the day ended with..
(Photos courtesy of my cousin, Lai Ching Jie..haha. Although I didn't ask for her permission to use them.)

Friday, June 1, 2007


Well, today was certainly a "better" day. Haven't roamed through the streets without being weighed down by stress for a long time.

Caught "Shrek The 3rd" with my cousins today. The show was not bad, especially with all the talk about recent sequels not living up to hype. Looking at both Letycia and Vanessa, I have totally no recollection of my very first experience of going to the cinema, let alone what show it was. Maybe it was "Land Before Time". (Bloody retro)

Continued to walk around town with Wallace. Walking is something that the 3 of us, with the inclusion of Ben, "indulge" in (read - walking from Junction 8 to Jalan Kayu).
Proceeded to the 'new' McCafe @ AMK. Reminds me of the Macs @ West Coast, main difference is that this outlet is near my place..not for long though.

Had a further discussion with my mum about our search for a new place. It HAS to always involve a tradeoff. Where on earth is a "win-win" situation? I hope such a situation exists in the first place. Well, like what Ben thinks - "prioritising priorities".

Dear will be done with her exams tomorrow. I can't wait..

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Numero Uno

1st blog entry of my life. I wonder what took me so long..

Finished my exams today, but its not the end for me yet (as some of you will have already found out). Supposed to be feel happy and relieved that the exams are over.

Relieved? Yes.

Happy? Hardly.

Pretty disappointed with myself that this is the way I chose to negotiate my way through the obstacles. However, I'd rather things be this way then to conjure yet another "rush-job" with its associated consequences.

Yes. Dismal start to this all-new blog of mine.

For now, I'll just concentrate on a couple of fun events in the remaining course of this week.

Things will become much better. (I hope)